You are free



Do mistakes. 

But live no matter what. 

Live when you're wrong and live when you're right. 

At the end of the road it will taste the same. 

It will taste of you.

It will taste of life.

The life that you lived or maybe not. 

So live and be free. 

Do mistakes and rejoice. 

Rejoice and enjoy every single second. 

Don't look around, 

Just look inside and love every part. 

Find your edge and never abandon it. 

People will call you in all the ways.

Coward. Weird . Not worthy or mad. 

So taste criticism and know the rejection. 

See how it is to not be always loved. 

But keep yourself close. Be gentle and kind. 

Inhale, exhale and just be in the present. 

And live.

Love. Stop defending yourself. 

Open your heart and dare to be hurt. 

Rejoice everything,

All the laugh and cry. 

Dance in the rain 

Walk barefoot and feel...

Feel how it is to live pure and joyful. 

Dare to be you.. 

To be free and alive. 


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