

Can I lose you? But I don't have you. Did I own you? Or did I leave you? Can you let go? When you hold tight? Can you truly live? When you're not free? When are you bound by your own self? When do you hold your own hands back? When do you destroy every small piece Freedom's given by what you let be Given by tears of what you don't see It's not given by how far you flee It's given by how close you stay to thee

Pure Love

In the breaking, in the mourning  You offer solace, such comforting Amidst the pain, in the despair You're there to restore, and show you care In the falling, in the missing You don't forsake, there's no dismissing Your love is safe, and oh so complete It's like a fire, with a warming heat A fire that burns, and does restore Until the last piece, is whole once more That was once teased, beaten and killed Your love's so strong, it's stable and steady. Your love is not broken, nor insecure It's simply present, full of life and pure.

Love letter

 Oh, your beauty is beyond description,  Your tenderness makes Me shaking and trembling.  Your taste is sweeter than vanilla and honey. Let Me come inside of you,  I have no limits, no boundaries.  I am so safe,just like a mother's womb. I want you to discover me, to find me there In your depth , in your core I want to love you, to embrace you To take care of all your pain.  I want to fill you, to make you whole. Surrender to yourself, just fall into my arms,  Don't rush the blooming, it's our time  I want it slowly, but I want it steadily.  I promise we will find a way together, I will wait for you patiently.  To hold you in my arms, to keep you in my warmth. Let everything away and run into myself.  Experience My ways, feel My heartbeat, My breath, My touch.  You took My truth and you become steady and complete.  You're radiant and stunning, I cannot take my eyes from you.  Take Me with you on your adventures, Don't leave Me behind, I long for your hugs.  I loose


  In the crushing , in the damage,  In the chaos and the storm You restore and you repair. You bring peace and you breathe comfort.  Your touch and your kisses Soothed my pain and healed my wounds. Your name is "Flowing Oil" because  Over my brokenness, over my shadows You pour out your love, you pour out your heart. To see me whole, to make me complete. You never lose sight of me, you never go away You never change, you never betray. Always stay, always love. A love that lasts, a love that waits Waits for us to surrender completely In his arms, in his tender care. Let us stay here in this beautiful place of rest Let us bloom and flourish Let us rejoice and just abide . Abiding in each other And never looking back Rejoicing in who we are Loving, forgiving and simply being. 

Be you

  Be authentic and be real. When you are happy and when you are free,  When you feel pain and when you are hurt. Never give up on who you are, When you feel compassion and when you feel love, When you feel cold, colder than winter. Always stay close and true to yourself,  And never let go To who you are,  And who you become.


  Our love cannot be hidden  Cannot be kept in,  It was born outside the walls It was born in freedom,  in the rain, in the sun, in the wind and grass, and that's why the fields and the flowers, the trees and the ground know your name.

Let go

You try to search outside What is deep inside,  You try to look around When you have to look within,  You cannot fight with them Just make peace with your own self .  You need to just stop seeking, stop looking and stop fighting . Begin to let it be and let it go. Surrender to what you cannot keep To gain what you cannot lose.